Affordable and Viable Disaster Recovery for the SME sector
This is no ordinary disaster recovery service…
Do you know the statistical chances of your chosen Disaster Recovery Supplier failing to deliver when you most need them? Have you checked? Are you at risk?
It is well recognised that a company based in a city or busy business/industrial park is exposed to concentration risk. When choosing an office location, companies will predominantly base their choice on where their clients are based and best served. That choice rarely includes measuring the risk that their neighbours may place upon them.
Many companies now outsource their disaster recovery services to a specialist supplier. Global Continuity is one of them.
However, few companies analyse their exposure to that supplier and their ability/inability to deliver a recovery service when required.
How does a disaster recovery company make money?
It buys a building or a range of computers etc. and shares those assets across its client base, so that they are available in a disaster. This means that, and as an extreme point, if all the clients called on those assets simultaneously in a disaster, that the disaster recovery supplier could not deliver the service.
It is analogous to a run on the bank. If we all turned up at our bank tomorrow to withdraw our money they would not be able to deliver.
Therefore, the art of a successful and professionally managed disaster recovery company requires sophisticated ‘syndication management’ of those assets, to ensure it can deliver should a major disaster happen. Maximising profits, clearly the role of the Board, requires that they sell the same asset to as many customers as possible.
How do you know your neighbours haven’t bought the same service as you?
So, you must ask your disaster recovery supplier to prove to you how they manage syndication risk. You should demand to see their risk matrix. You should demand to see where their other customers are based.
Global Continuity’s solution to syndication risk
A disaster recovery service from Global Continuity (see BusinessAssist™) reduces your concentration risk. It does this by using its unique risk mitigation and loss reduction software: CALM.
Client Assessment & Logistics Manager measures the risk you actually place on us by being a client. It is a complicated issue and not easy to explain in written form, but imagine the following:
You are a young company based in Tewkesbury with a sales office in the City of London. The Tewkesbury office is on a fairly new but well established business park, with over 100 other successful companies like yours. On your business park is a life sciences company, two small chemical laboratories and 4 tele-sales businesses. It is early summer.
Your City of London office generates 75% of your sales and is based in a serviced office just by Canon Street station.
How would you measure the risk of a denial of access to either of your premises? Do you think you are a low risk organization compared to, say, a major bank in Canary Wharf or a stationery supplier in Buncefield?
The answer is that nobody knows as many other questions also have to be answered:
- Do you have a tried and tested continuity plan?
- Can you office share?
- How close are you to other Global Continuity clients?
- Have you ever invoked a recovery plan before?
- Etc.
To see how a professional disaster recovery supplier mitigates the risk of multiple clients, see how our CALM service works. Click here.
BusinessAssist™ is an affordable and viable disaster recovery service for the SME sector. We do not have syndication risks like other disaster recovery suppliers. We have access to over 100 million (yes 100 million) square feet of office space that you can decant into should you suffer from a disaster.
We are capable of handling many, many simultaneous invocations, at a scale that we believe no other disaster recovery company can match. Our service can be provided across the continents. It can be tested at a moment’s notice without disrupting your business.
BusinessAssist™ provides laptops, printers, faxes, copiers etc. all by the next working day within an emergency recovery office that is there and ready for you to use.
All of this for less than £50 a month.
With a BusinessAssist™ contract you can at last:
- Tick the box that says you DO have a viable and testable disaster recovery and business continuity plan
- Stop worrying about continuity and get on with running your business
- Knowing you can sleep at night and that you have a viable solution that will keep your business running in a disaster
- Afford to protect your business
- Look at your insurers and ask for a discount on your business interruption policies as you are now a much stronger and more resilient business.
For more about BusinessAssist™ go to where you will find a list of the companies that you can buy the service from.